New Family FAQ

How does the car line work?

What time should I line up to pick up my children?

Dismissal begins at 2:50.  Cars usually begin to arrive around 2:30.

How do the lines form?

The first line forms around the perimeter of the parking lot, starting at cone #1 and continuing to the west end of the playground.  Other lines then begin to form parallel to the playground and continuing to form lines of 8-10 cars toward the school.  On the first few days of school, there is staff available in the parking lot starting at about 2:40 to aid parents in lining up properly.

What happens if I am late for car line?

Once all the cars have emptied the parking lot, the students that remain are sent to Extended Care, our after school child care room, until their parent arrives.  Extended Care will bill you in 15 minute increments according the number of students you have.  If you arrive and there are still cars in line, simply line up behind the last car in line and your students will be called when you arrive at the cones.

Where do I get the sign for my car window?

A car line sign with your last name will be provided to you prior to the start of school.


Where can we purchase the school uniforms?

Our school uniforms are purchased through Land’s End.  Our school’s uniform number is 9000-2965-3.  If you enter that uniform number at, you will see only our approved uniform items.

What about shoes?

The students may wear any shoes that are comfortable and safe.  Sandals are allowed during the 1st and 4th quarters, but they must be a full sandal with a strap.  Crocs and clogs are not allowed.  Gym shoes are the best shoes to wear.  Socks that cover the ankle are required.

Do the students need a special pair of shoes for gym?

Students must wear gym shoes for gym, but they do not have to have a separate pair for gym.  If the student does not have gym shoes for gym, they may not participate.

When are shorts allowed?

Shorts may be worn during the 1st and 4th quarters.  Shorts may NOT be worn to mass on Fridays.

Is there a uniform exchange?

Yes, we have a uniform closet where you can either purchase items at $5 a piece or exchange gently used uniforms for other gently used uniform items.  Please check in at the school office to look in the uniform closet.  Generally, the used uniforms are also displayed at the Ice Cream Social and at Parent Teacher Conferences in November.

Where can I find other information about the uniform policy?

All the information on the Uniform Policy and more is in the school handbook.

Where can I get uniforms at a lower cost?

We have a uniform closet where you can either purchase items at $5 per item or exchange gently used uniforms for other gently used uniform items.  Please check in at the school office to look in the uniform closet.  Generally, the used uniforms are also displayed at the Ice Cream Social during Back-to-School and at Parent Teacher Conferences in November.

Extra Curricular Activities

At what grade can my student participate in sports?

  • Cross Country- grades K-8
  • Track and Field- grades 5-8
  • Girls Volleyball- grades 5-8
  • Boys and Girls Basketball – grades 5-8
  • Co-ed Soccer – grades 4-8

Are there Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts through the school?

Yes, Cub scouts starts in Grade 1 and Brownies start in Kindergarten.  Your student will receive information in the fall when these groups start up or contact:

Are there other groups my student can join?

There are many activities your child can participate in throughout the school and parish.  This website is a great resource for information on ministries and activities.  Your student will also receive information on various activites in their brown envelope or school mail.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

How can I, as a parent, get involved at the school?

There are many ways for parents to get involved in the school.  There are various fundraisers and several opportunities to become involved in your child’s classroom and around the school.

  • Room Parents and classroom parties volunteers-one or two parents are needed for each classroom to coordinate parties for the holidays.  These parents work with the teacher and enlist the help of other parent volunteers for the pareties.
  • Field Trip Chaperons – on an as-needed basis, parents may volunteer to chaperon field trips with their students classroom.
  • Playground supervisor-parents are needed to supervise the lunchroom and playground from 11:00-12:15.  These volunteers can sign up for certain days each week.
  • Please note:  All volunteers working with the students must have attended the VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children seminar and remain current on the bulletins sent by VIRTUS, and have a background check on file.  For a list of VIRTUS classes in our area, see

Miscellaneous Questions

Do the students attend mass?

Yes, the students attend mass weekly on Wednesdays and Holy Days at 9:00 and each class has an opportunity to lead the mass and have some of their students lead the songs and readings.  Parents are always welcome to attend this mass.

Is there financial assistance available?

In January, we begin to accept applications for the diocesan assistance program for the following school year.  Applications are available in the parish and school offices.

How does the school communicate with the families?

The school communicates with the families in a number of ways, including:

  • This website
  • Ascend Parent Portal, including an on-line grade book, teacher notes and classroom information
  • EMail broadcast system (via Facts) and Telephone Call Alerts (via One Call Now)
  • Facebook
  • Families can contact the office directly: or 219-926-1707